The Silence of God's publication date draws near and positive first reader reviews are arriving in my inbox. First readers are an integral part of the editing and publication process for any book. These keen-eyed individuals receive a pre-publication copy of a book in exchange for honest feedback and occasional edits. The Silence of God is in the final stages of printing as I type this post and will be available for purchase soon! Remember to sign up on my mailing list to be the first to know more about my book.
Destruction surrounds us; natural disasters strike, people get sick, children suffer; all beings die. We claim and believe there is a God, so why doesn’t He do something about it? God appears to be silent.
Sir Robert Anderson, in his 19th-century book, The Silence of God, has an assumption: “Heaven
is indeed silent [yet] breaking its silence means that the reign of grace has ended and amnesty
is withdrawn. It means the closing of the day of mercy and the dawn of the day of wrath.” It is
that which Anderson develops throughout the book.
Mr. Corey Evans engaged in a formidable task. He took a difficult read and updated it for the
21 st Century reader, giving today’s reader the chance to weigh the evidence of Anderson’s
assumption once again. It is not that modern man cannot grasp the thoughts and truth of days
gone by, but rather the original work was written in prose which at times is arduous, and
perhaps even tedious.
Through updated terms, illustrations, and current sentence structure, Corey Evans helps guide
the reader through what Anderson calls, “This…conundrum” of a Sovereign God, who “since the
close of the days of the apostles, [His] finger has never been openly at work on earth.”
Whether or not one agrees with Anderson, “The Silence of God” is a book for the thinking
person who may be considering what appears to be a lack of action on God’s part in our chaotic
world. Mr. Evans has made discovering the answer well worth the effort.
-Roger Feenstra, founder and executive director of Hope Now Cambodia and pastor of Hope Now Bible Church in Fresno, California.